
Why is business analytics certification becoming more popular?

Business analytics deals with the analysis of business data in the past and recommending a better path forward. Business analysts are expected to be experienced managers who can handle large data sets and solve complex statistical problems. A business analyst must have the ability to use machine learning tools and data analytics to manage data sets that are otherwise impossible to handle. Data analytics has emerged as a major force in the commercial sector in recent years due to its versatility and ability to partially replace business analysts in the field. However, to be a business analyst one must have hands-on management experience. This is not something that can be replaced. Despite the dramatic changes occurring in the commercial sector, the popularity of business analytics certification courses remains remarkable.

Phases in business analytics

There are three phases to business analytics. They include extracting predictions and gaining data access.

Analytics with descriptive data

The first phase focuses on the organization and cleaning of business data. These data can include financial data, time- and region-specific sales data, or user-generated feedback data. The first phase organizes the data and eliminates redundant cohorts. This is crucial for large data sets. Tools can only process data sets that are in a particular format. Without these tools, the sets are useless. This stage is called descriptive analytics.

Predictive analytics

This phase is where data analytics tools are used to predict future events and structured data sets are used. This stage requires a high level of expertise in handling large data sets. The business analytics certification programs are well-known for preparing budding analysts to analyze large sets of data. These skills are very useful in today’s market.

Prescriptive analytics

Next, you need to plan the future course of commercial endeavors. The extracts from the analysis phase of prediction are carefully reviewed in order to plan the next steps. There is very little chance of mistakes because the calculations involve a lot data and high accuracy. The extracts are first presented to interested parties in an easily understood format. After the comprehension session, the plan is created keeping in mind all the implications and contingencies of business data analysis.

Business analytics: Why it is important

Our current situation is both financially and commercially precarious. Already worse was the ongoing recession. The ravaging pandemic, along with the lockdowns, made it worse. Due to the certainty and security of data, businesses and commercial entities became more dependent on it. This environment was extremely challenging for business analytics, and all the major players prefer to hire business analysts to ensure that they are risk-free.

Business analytics: Applications


It is now possible to get financial, purchase habits and even population data. An analyst can determine if someone needs their product or service, and if they are willing invest in it. Data marketing is a great tool to make sure that your operations run smoothly. If a plan is in place, it can be executed with finesse.

Product management

An update of a product or service is necessary to keep up with changing market trends. An analyst can quickly identify the most important upgrades and make recommendations based on end-user data. It is important to offer something unique and different in a market crowded with competitors. This feat requires data skills and the willingness to serve customers’ needs.


It is not easy to create a strategy for commerce. A business analyst who is able to lead and develop business strategies is highly valued in this field. Strategy for a product or project must take into account the market and environment that could impact sales. It should include plans for long-term implementation and plans to alter if necessary.

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